Meeste mense met wie ek onlangs gesels het maak melding van hoe vinnig 2014 ten einde gesnel het.

So sê mense ook om iets te doen of dat hulle wens daar was meer

tyd in ‘n dag om dinge te doen.

n gegewe is en nie korter of langer gemaak kan word nie beteken dit bloot dat mens

jou tyd beter moet bestuur. Dit beteken verder dat elke mens in staat moet wees om te prioretiseer

jy moet besin oor wat belangrik is vir jou en dan dienooreenkomstig daarvolgens beplan. Hierdie

beplanning is egter dikwels moeiliker as wat mens besef. Aangesien mense deur verskillende

belangstellings en noodsaaklikhede gedryf word is almal se prioriteiete nie dieselfde nie. Wat erger is,

is dat mense dikwels die behoefte het en dit dienooreenkomstig verbaliseer, dat hulle hul leefstyl moet

of wil verander al Dit realiser egter baie selde.

Prioritisering en beplanning hou vele voordele in – dit verhoog produktiwiteit (iets wat in Suid-

Afrika dringend noodsaaklik is); verlaag spanning; bevorder intermenslike verhoudings; bevorder

fisiese en geestesgesondheid; en bied jou geleentheid om aan die wat dikwels afgeskeep

word, kwaliteit aandag te gee. Juis omdat ek waarskynlik die grootste sondebok is omdat ek toelaat

dat eksterne faktore my lewe reël, het ek onlangs weer bestekopname van my eie lewe gedoen toe ek Meditations on Hunting van Josè Ortega y Gasset vir die soveelste keer gelees het. Dit het juis met

jag te doen omdat dit baseer is op natuurlike instink en ‘n ontvlugtingsroete vir baie skep.

I share some of his sentiments with our members.


A good s way of hunting is a hard job which demands much from man: he must keep himself fit,

face extreme fatigues, accept danger. It involves a complete code of ethics of the most distinguished

design; the hunter who accepts the sporting code of ethics keeps his commandments in the greatest

solitude, with no witnesses or audience other than the sharp peaks of the mountain, the roaming cloud,

the stern oak, the trembling juniper, and the passing animal.


What is significant, though, is that most of his hunting philosophy is not applicable solely to hunting,

but could be applied in ordinary life too. The code of ethics immediately comes to mind. Unless you have

a personal code of ethics or conduct that rules your life, your relations, your behaviour in society, your

sport, etc. you may be a very unhappy person. A code of ethics based on righteousness, loyalty, honour, courage, truth, courtesy, restraint and service is a good one and worth pursuing.

Measured steps in striving towards achieving these attributes surely shall make a difference in our lives,

our community, our country and our world. However, those who lead shall always lead by example,

because when those attending to the public trust do not first attend to their own honour, corruption finds

its way into all levels of service, military and civil. And as leaders in our own little (or large) kingdoms we assume responsibility to lead ethically and apply our power justly and benevolently while putting our own

honour to work for the good of society.


Namens al die versamelaarsverenigings het NAACCSA kommentaar gelewer dienooreenkomstig die

opsomming wat tydens die eindjaarfunksie gelewer is, aan die Polisiesekretariaat. Ons is meegedeel dat

die kommentaar n nuwe wysigingswetsontwerp opgestel en in die Staatskoerant publiseer sal word. Hierna sal ons and die openbare proses deelneem deur verdere kommentaar te lewer en indien nodig, voor die parlementêre komitee te verskyn en die saak namens wettige vuurwapenbesitters en -versamelaars te

debateer. NAACCSA en SAGA se standpunt bly onveranderd dat die onwettige besitters aangespreek moet

word en wettige besitters in vrede gelaat moet word. Indien die klein aantal negatiewe wysigings uit

die weg geruim kan word behoort versamelaars nie deur die nuwe gewysigde wet benadeel te word nie.

Wanneer die amptelike wetswysiging gepubliseer word sal ons lede op hoogte gehou word.


Ek maak gebruik van hierdie geleentheid om ons lede te bedank vir hul bydrae tot veiligheid en

verantwoordelike vuurwapenbesit. Die verantwoordelikeid wat met die reg om vuurwapens te besit

gepaard gaan is baie swaar, maar desnieteenstaande moet dit nougeset nagevolg word. Jou goeie

voorbeeld van veiligheid en verantwoordelikheid versterk ons saak.

My message to you, esteemed member of the PAAA, is one of hope, in what often appears to be a

hopeless situation. However, hope that is not based on sound principles, including faith, leads to false

hope and thus no hope. I wish you well. Please always behave in a responsible manner in whatever you do.

Enjoy life. Have empathy with each other. Celebrate success. To experience a truly joyous Christmas

give glory to the only wise God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Diligentia Vis Celeritas

John Welch



Die PWAV Bestuur het besluit om die nuusbrief in die toekoms elektronies te versprei. Nie alleen het dit

geweldige besparing ten opsigte van posgeld en papier teweeg gebring nie, maar sal die huidige

posstaking ook geen rol speel nie. Lede word aangemoedig om ook asseblief die webtuiste te besoek

en te kyk wat daar aangaan. U sal werklik aangenaam verras wees.

In my previous Editorial comment I wrote about the appeal which was lodged by Gun Free South Africa

(GFSA) against the ruling of the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASASA).

I am happy to tell you that the ASASA Appeals committee has rejected the appeal. I have included a

summary of the matter elsewhere in the newsletter. This underlines the importance of lodging a

complaint where and whenever any misleading or false advertising especially

firearms – is concerned.

n beroep op elke lid van die PWAV om aktief betrokke te raak in alle aangeleenthede wat hetsy van

Gunfree South Africa of watter oord ookal. U sien hoe die pers tekere gaan met die ongelukkige

skietdood van die Bafana kaptein Senzo Meyiwa en die poging om die ANC politkus Jackson Mthembu

dood te skiet. Onlangs was daar weer in die Kwa Mashu hostel geskiet en verskei mense gedood.

U kan verseker wees dat die regering nuwe en drastiese pogings gaan en sal uitdink om wettige

eienaars te ontwapen en om die proses om vir wapens aansoek te doen so lank en moeilik as moontlik

te maak. Dit is derhalwe van die uiterste belang dat u in GEEN OPSIG HOEGENAAMD op enige wyse nalatig, onoordeelkundig of onwettig ten opsigte van u wapens of u versameling sal optree nie. Gun Free South

Africa holds the simple, yet misguided view that legitimate guns that fall into criminal hands become

illegal firearms therefor ban all guns so that no guns can fall into criminal hands. I’m quite sure that that

kind of logic will be supported by many in government!

All members of the PAAA are requested to become actively involved against any false and misleading

adverts that may be placed in the media by GFSA by complaining to the ASA. Their website is



GFSA is well funded by the likes of Michael Bloomberg and George Soros and we cannot hope to raise

enough money to go against them in a court of law. Our only course of action is to register complaints

whenever we see any advert that appears to be false or misleading.

Stef Grobler



Electronic newsletters

In August 2014 the first electronic only newsletter was send to our members. Hard copies will in future

only be posted to the 5% members that have no access to email or the website.

New email address and fax no for PAAA From 1 September 2014 the only valid email address regarding

PAAA matters shall be:


and the only valid fax no shall be:


Please update your address books accordingly.

Any PAAA regarded emails in my private or work mailbox will be regarded as junkmail in future.

New format for motivation of collectables:

The only valid format since Jan 2015 shall be issue 6 which is attached for your convenience.

Om te verseker dat motiverings spoedig en sonder vertragings geprosesseer word, moet die

volgende asseblief in gedagte gehou word:

Die naam van die document wat jy na pwavpaaa@gmail.com as ‘n MS Word dokument stuur moet

as volg wees:  Van, Voorletters, Fabrikaat, model, caliber. Bv Winterbach PJ Glock Model19 45ACP

Die Standaard Formaat is in Arial 10 font, enkel spasiëring en slegs opskrifte moet in vet gedruk word. 

Moet asseblief nie jou totale motivering in hoofletters en/of vet gedrukte letters doen nie.

Moet asseblief NIE klakkeloos inligting van die Internet kopieër nie. Moet NIE niksseggende inligting

weergee nie. Skryf eerder die inligting oor in jou eie woorde en verseker dat dit op jou vuurwapen van

toepassing is.

As jy van die Internet MOET kopieër, maak seker dat dit in die voorgeskrewe formaat

is. Verwyder alle onnodige kleure, onderstrepings sodat die invoegsel nie uitstaan soos ‘n seer oog nie.



I hope that the following answers on FAQs will be of some help to many of you:

Questions 1:

What are a home owner resident’s rights and responsibilities in terms of self-defence when an armed

and/or an unarmed intruder enters their property and they are in the yard or the house? Please advise

how they would be affected by different scenarios, such as whether they are armed with a gun, a knife

or a baseball bat or if the intruder is armed or unarmed and how the situation would change if the

intruder has already acted with violence.

A home owner or resident, like any other person, is entitled to act in self-defence under extremely limited

conditions. In light of the constitutional rights to life, human dignity and freedom and security of the

person, any degree of force or violence may be executed lawfully in limited circumstances only, for

instance in the s own life or that of a family member or other innocent person. For

this same reason it has been ruled that capital punishment is unconstitutional. However,

the Constitutional Court has also ruled that one is entitled lawfully to defend oneself, even by injuring or

killing an attacker, if the attack was such that it was lifethreatening to the defender. In a similar vein, but

slightly different, in terms of section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act, a person who has the right to

arrest a perpetrator is entitled to use reasonable force to execute the arrest should the arrestee resist

(violently) the arrest or flee. In the last scenario deadly force (or potentially deadly force) may be used

only if the arrestee continues to be a lethal threat to the arrestor or others.

In the event of self-defence, the first requirement is that there must be an unlawful and violent attack on a

person. The defender has the right to use the necessary force, but not excessive force, to thwart the attack.

The defence, therefore, must be commensurate with the attack. This is typically the case where one

person slaps s hand to prevent his being slapped.

The moment he however continues to hit and kick the attacker, even though the latter has ceased the

attack, he himself becomes the attacker and is guilty of assault (or worse). However, in the case of typical

South African attacks during farm and home invasions and hijackings, the attacks are generally extremely

violent – almost always (illegally possessed) firearms are involved by a number of attackers. They

usually never hesitate to use the firearms and other once again, contrary to what applies to

ordinary citizens, they do not believe in reasonable force. In all cases of such violence citizens would be

entitled to used lethal force to thwart the attack. When one considers whether the defence is commensurate

with the attack one must not think that implies the same type of force or weapon must be used. Obviously,

if the attack consists in a single slap on the cheek one cannot now shoot the attacker. However, if that

attacker happens to be a massively built boxer or karate expert, one cannot be expected to absorb such

you might not be alive thereafter. If the attack is by a number of violent, but un armed (or armed

with sticks, kieries, knives, etc.) attackers, self-defence with a firearm might be justified.

Never go to a knife/stick-fight with a knife/stick - You shall lose unless you are a real expert! Our law

does not expect warning shots, excepting if it was safe to fire one and there was an opportunity to do so

(bearing in mind that one might hit an innocent bystander in doing so), therefore, if the attack is serious, unlawful and violent and shooting at the attackers is the only way to save your life, it might be justified.

My advice is that you never confront intruders, neither in your garden/yard or inside lock

yourself and all other inhabitants up in one room, call the police and your armed response unit and

be ready to react in the event of them trying to force their way into the room. When you hear them at the

(locked) door warn them in a stern voice that you are armed and will not hesitate to shoot, but be prepared

to carry out your threat.

In these troubled times of high violence I advise that citizens prepare themselves better. It is every person’s

right to choose whether she or he wants to possess a SAGA does not force that upon you. A

handgun remains, however, the best weapon for the job, since it is generally easily concealed, is readily available, has reasonable stopping power and is not difficult to master.

This, however, takes dedication and training. To merely do your proficiency test and then think you could

handle a violent situation is a serious mistake. Get training from the best training institution you can afford

and train regularly. It also helps to participate in practical shooting sports. Make sure you have all the

emergency telephone numbers available to phone for help. Remember, on average the s response

to a violent crime is seldom below 29 minutes.


Question 2:

Are you able to advise what law regulates self-defence as explained above?

Self-defence is governed by common law while the use of force during the arrest of a criminal is governed

by section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act, No. 51 of 1977. In both instances our courts have expressed opinions regarding the applicable principles, some of which I have referred to above.

Question 3:

What are levels of awareness like among ordinary South Africans regarding the law and self-defence? Can

you share some local anecdotes where an incident of self defence went wrong and the person ended up being

charged and/or convicted? How aware are criminals of their rights in such cases?

they usually act outside of all constitutional rights and have

little or no rights, but the moment they are arrested they demand to be

treated according to their constitutional rights. There is nothing wrong with the second part, after all, if

we start acting outside of the Constitution, we become criminals and the state falls into anarchy.

The recent Pistorius trial is a typical example of where the accused thought he acted in self-defence

whereas he did not. There was no unlawful and violent attack on him, but he thought so. The judge

believed what he had thought. We shall have to wait and see whether the Supreme Court of Appeal agrees

with that. There are numerous other examples of where people hesitated because they were not certain

as to the attack or whether they were entitled to use a firearm – they are now dead!

Question 4:

In your view, how prolific is firearm ownership in SA? Any idea of how many registered firearms are in

private hands (excluding security firms)?

The simple is that the greater majority of SA citizens do not own firearms. In 2011, approximately 1,5m

citizens legally owned about 2,9m firearms (this figure was echoed in a Parliamentary Portfolio committee meeting in July 2014), bearing in mind that dedicated groups such as hunters, sports persons and private collectors generally own larger numbers of firearms than others. One source mentioned that there are about 3,4m legally and illegally owned firearms in the country. On what this figure is based is anybody’s guess.

Question 5:

Why is it important for home owners/residents to be prepared to defend themselves in case of a crime

incident at home and what steps might they take to do so? Do you think most people are adequately

prepared for such a situation?

Most people are not adequately prepared to defend them and their family and others against an unlawful

and violent attack. Although many people might have acquired firearms for self-defence, not many have

the skills to fight. Not only must have the tools, one must also have the ability to efficiently use them

and the mental preparedness or attitude to fight. Hesitation at the wrong moment will get you killed.

Therefore, in the event of any person owning a firearm for self-defence, she must receive expert tuition and

then train regularly. She must also study various scenarios and acquire the right survival attitude or mental preparedness.

It must be borne in mind that although the SAPS have a constitutional obligation to protect the citizens of

our country, they just do not have the resources to do so. Since it will take a SAPS response team about 30 minutes to react to a distress call (depending on where it comes from and where they happen to be) the

fight will be over by the time they get there. In an emergency you are dependent on yourself or a guardian

angel close by. By the time the police get to the scene they will be just in time to start investigations and

arrange for the removal of bodies to the mortuary and hospital. Those few victims who were rescued by the police were very fortunate indeed. Would the President, ministers, other politicians and VIPs be opposed to firearms if their body guards were unarmed? I doubt it!

Question 6:

When is it best to fight and when is it best to flee when faced with an intruder in your home?

There is no hard and fast rule. If you have any reasonable chance to escape, do so, but do not do so if

that would endanger yourself and others. To fight is always the last option, but that does not mean you

must not have the skills, ability and willingness to fight at all times. Rather have it (like a gun) and not

having the need to use it than having the need to use it and then not having it. You have a be a

victim or fight. When the “chips are down” you are on your own and if that is what you have chosen,

now is the time to fight. But never do so if you have other options.

Question 7:

What are the biggest challenges for people learning to use a firearm?

Those who are inherently scared of firearms (and most novices are): to lose that fear and get acquainted

with it, to practice until it becomes second nature. People who are afraid of guns scare me since their

handling of a gun is an accident in the waiting. That does not mean you must not always handle

it as it is loaded.  Those who think they know guns or indeed know a little about guns: to get rid of the

ego and to respect people and guns. True firearm experts neither fear guns nor do they boast and show

off their abilities.

All: to learn about and live with a survivalist mindset or mental preparedness, without being paranoid.

Question 8:

How many members does SAGA currently have? Has membership grown in recent years and if so how?

What is your membership profile like and have you noticed any interesting trends such as lots of older

or younger folk seeking to join? eg. male/female ages, urban/rural etc.

SAGA has about 7000 members. Membership has been steadily growing, but unfortunately not to the extent that

we wanted it to grow. We have male and female members of most races and all ages.

Question 9:

Is there anything further relating to this topic that you might like to add?

Since responsible and safe firearm ownership is what we stand for, it is worth mentioning the 5 primary

rules of firearm safety:

(i) Consider all firearms loaded, until you have satisfied yourself that it is safe. Don’t trust anyone

in this regard, not even your father.

(ii) Never touch the trigger of a firearm until your sights are on target and you are ready to shoot.

Once you have discharged a shot or decided not to shoot, take your finger off the trigger. Never rely

on safety devices.

(iii) Never point a firearm at anything or any person unless you intend shooting it and have justification

in doing so. Therefore, if you need to point a firearm at an attacker you must be prepared to

shoot. If he surrenders you obviously will not shoot but you still need to cover him until he no longer

constitutes a threat.

(iv) Make sure of your target and what is behind it and in its vicinity. You do not want to shoot your own

child who happens to be behind the attacker. A well-trained and mentally prepared person will know

how to deal with such a scenario.

(v) Guns and alcohol do not mix. Never handle a gun while or after you have taken alcohol.

Not a primary rule of safety, but nevertheless important within a family environment: Always have exclusive control over your firearm. Never allow any unauthorized person or children ever to have access to your firearm.

John Welch




Sommige van u moes alreeds u nuwe lisensie vir u selfversdedigings wapen hernu en binnekort sal die eerste

lisensies vir versamel wapens ook hernu moet word. n vuurwapenlisensie wat uitgereik is in

terme van die Vuurwapenwet (Wet Nommer 60 van 2000) moet die lisensie hernuwingsaansoek 

minstens 90 dae voor die vervaldatum van die lisensie indien. Ons stel voor jy raadpleeg jou plaaslike Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte (AVB) vir sy spesifieke vereistes en ondersteunende dokumentasie voor

jy die aansoek indien. Die proses is soos volg:

1. Kry vorm SAPD 518(a) “Aansoek om die Hernuwing van ’n Vuurwapenlisensie, Permit of Magtiging”

van jou naaste Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte of vanaf die SADP of SAGA se webblad.

van jou plaaslike Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte. Dit is die vorm vir die

motivering van die vuurwapen. Bevestig asseblief met die Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte wat hy/sy

vereis as motivering.

3. Voltooi die vorms in swart ink en berei die volgende dokumente voor:

4. Gee die aansoek in by jou plaaslike Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte. Hy/sy sal die nodige vingerafdrukke


5. Die Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte sal die vorm nagaan en indien dit nie volledig is nie, jou inlig oor

wat nog benodig word.

6. Dan moet jy R140.00 betaal per vuurwapen vir die aansoek om hernuwing van die lisensie - slegs

bankgewaarborgde tjeks of kontant sal aanvaar word. Die bewys van betaling sal gewaarmerk word en

by jou aansoekvorm aangeheg word.

n kwitansie ontvang as betaalbewys, Z263, asook n ontvangserkenning, SAPD 523, vir die

dokumente wat ingegee is

8. Die Aangewese Vuurwapenbeampte sal dan: 

9. Hou assblief afskrifte van alle dokumente/vorms wat jy ingegee het saam met jou SAPD bewys.

10. Neem Kennis: Die bogenoemde inligting is slegs riglyne vir die hernuwingsproses.

Dis nog onseker wat die omvang van motiverings moet wees want die Registrateur weet self skynbaar

ook nie. Ons is besig om dit met die SVR op te neem en sal u ook op hoogte hou.

Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die lisensie geldig bly mits die aansoek binne die 90 dae tydperk

ingedien is.

Lede moet asseblief daarop let dat alle aansoeke verkieslik in Engels moet wees sodat die aansoek nie

onnodiglik in die adminstratieweproses vertraag word nie.

Die motivering vir die aansoek om ‘n versamelbare wapen verskil van die vir ‘n wapen vir jag en sport-doeleiendes.

Vir jag en sport moet die SVR oortuig word dat jy die wapen wel nodig het en waarom jou bestaande

wapens nie vir hierdie doel geskik is of daaraan beantwoord nie.

n versamelaar is die prentjie anders en moet jy wys dat die betrokke wapen binne jou

belangstellingsveld en jou verklaarde tema val. Jy moet ook kan wys dat jy kennis het van die wapen en,

sou jy gevra word, kan bewys dat dit een of meer van die onderstaande kenmerke het of die

volgende eienskappe het wat dit vir jou versamelbaar maak.

Stef Grobler





1. First you must apply to your Association for the necessary Categorisation as Collector of


2. The application for categorisation as a collector of ammunition must be supported by a Schedule of

Collectible Ammunition on the prescribed Standard Format in accordance with your approved Field of

interest/ theme(s). The Schedule must be an accurate statement of the collectible ammunition at

that point in time.

3. Once you have your Ammunition Collectors Certificate reflecting your Ammunition Collector

status, you can apply to the SAPS for your Ammunition Collectors Permit on form SAPS 520.

4. Submit the application to your DFO with (certified) copies of your ID, and two colour passport photos,

Ammunition Collectors Certificate and proof of residential address.

5. You do not have to submit the Schedule of Collectable Ammunition with your application to

SAPS if you collect less than 200 cartridges per calibre (Calibre as per definition for collectible

ammunition in the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000 as amended).

6. SAPS will issue the Collector with an Ammunition Collectors Card and a Certificate. The certificate

must indicate the calibres of which the collector may possess more than 200.

7. After approval of the collectors permit, the Schedule of Collectable Ammunition will be managed

between the Collector and the Association. The Collector must submit an updated Schedule as per

prescribed standard format annually together with your annual membership renewal declaration (or any

time in beween after a substantial addition to the schedule) to the Association for certification.

After certification the Association will return the certified schedule to the Collector and keep a copy

on record.

Dirk Coetzee